The Pros And Cons Of Disposable Contact Lenses

Contact lenses can be worn every day, several times a week or just on special occasions. There are several types of contact lenses on the market, in regards to their lifespan. Some are considered yearly, some are monthly, and there are also weekly and daily. Yearly contact lenses are not considered disposable. The others are the different levels of disposable contact lenses available. Just like other types of corrective eyewear, there are pros and cons to choosing disposable contact lenses. Here are some to consider.

Pros of Disposable Contact Lenses

Disposable contact lenses, per lens, are a fraction of the cost compared to non disposable lenses. They require less daily maintenance, which cuts down on costly lens care solutions and equipment. In addition, you will gain the time spent cleaning and storing them. Contact lenses feel best when they are fresh, so, especially with dailies, they will always feel good. Ripping, losing or otherwise destroying a contact lens will cost you much less to replace. And generally, you will always have more on hand. Your corrected vision is as good with disposable contact lenses as the more permanent type.

If you are using daily disposables, you can choose to wear contacts as little or as much as you want, and always have a fresh lens and no maintenance. Some disposable contact lenses, the weekly to monthly style, can be termed 'extended wear.' This means the contacts are worn all day and all night. Only those approved as extended wear contact lenses should be used this way.

Cons of Disposable Contact Lenses

Even though they are less expensive per lens, they are more expensive for a year's worth. You may be more hesitant to wear them when you know their usage is limited. This makes them less useful to you. In order to save money, you may be tempted to extend their use beyond the manufacturer's stipulated time frame. They are not designed for this, and can harm your eyes due to a risk of infection.

Overall, disposable contact lenses are far preferable to non disposable.  They are also better for eyes, as they don't have to be so durable. They are also cleaner, reducing the risk of eye infections. Use them as directed, and you will find disposable contact lenses are the healthier, more comfortable choice. Your eye doctor can help you decide which type of disposable contact lenses are best for you.
