Personal Care Services-Not Just For The Elderly

As a recent high school graduate, have you thought about attending college? If you have physical disabilities, the dream of a college education can seem like just that--a dream. But there is good news. If you are under the age of 20, and a recipient of Medicaid, you may qualify for personal care services. Here are a few ways that a personal care provider may be able to help you, even as a college student. 

Increase Your Independence

Just because certain daily tasks can be a struggle, this does not mean that you will always have to rely on your parents. If your physical limitations make it difficult for you to do things like bathing, cooking, and laundry for yourself, a personal care provider may be able to help. They can assist you with certain activities of daily living, as well as providing services that will make your independent living easier.

Provide Peace of Mind

After eighteen years under their roof, your parents probably spend a great deal of time worrying about you. By hiring a personal care provider, you can help them to let go a little easier. They can feel confident that you have someone checking on you and taking care of you, even while you are away at college.

Learn to Advocate for Yourself

Some personal care providers also help you to advocate for yourself, so that you can get the assistance that you need to manage your disability, your education, and your finances for yourself. They can help you with coordinating your medical services and equipment, as well as helping you to establish your mobility around the campus and the town. A personal care provider can help you to locate the resources you need in the community, and in some cases, even help you to get to where you need to be, such as doctor's appointments or the grocery store.

Ease Your Transition into Adulthood

If your goal in attending college is to be able to become an independent, self-supporting, and well-adjusted adult, a personal care provider can help you to ease into that role. Because personal care providers are usually only contracted to work for a certain number of hours or a certain time of the day, you will be able to gain a greater sense of independence. You will have the freedom and privacy of not constantly having someone watching your every move. The services are also reevaluated every year, so you don't have to continue receiving them if you no longer need them.

Don't let a physical disability stop you from achieving your educational dreams. Talk to your Medicaid provider to find out if you qualify for personal care services.
