Tips For Regaining Bladder Control Without Surgical Intervention

If you've been struggling with the symptoms of urinary incontinence, you'll want to talk with a urologist or other specialist about bladder control options. While surgery is a consideration in some cases, it doesn't have to be the only resolution. There are a few things you can do to combat the problem without having to undergo surgery. Here are a couple of things to try.

Dietary Changes

Some of the things you eat on a daily basis can actually contribute to bladder irritation and control problems. One of the first lines of defense against these types of symptoms is to make dietary adjustments first. Foods that are spicy or overly acidic can cause bladder irritation and worsen your symptoms. Avoid things with caffeine and carbonation, too. They can worsen your symptoms. Consider cutting back to one cup of coffee a day if the idea of eliminating it completely is too overwhelming.

Bladder Training

One of the interventions that many doctors recommend is bladder training. It's a process of teaching your bladder to expect to be emptied at regular intervals or at specific times. Choose a time interval such as two or three hours so that you don't stress your bladder. Make sure that you go on your schedule even if you don't feel like you need to. This is important for training your bladder to work on that cycle.

Hydrate Well

Especially if you're retraining your bladder, you need to be sure that you're consuming sufficient water. Stick with several full glasses of water every day so that you're not adding excess caffeine. Spread your water intake evenly throughout the day, too. That way you don't drink too much at once.

Work in at least a half-hour of exercise most days of the week. Focus on your core muscles and your pelvic floor muscles to help strengthen those muscles that control your bladder. Core-training aerobics and kegel exercises are good places to start. Also, make a point to visit the bathroom before your workout so that you don't stress your bladder during your exercise routine.

Practice Double Voiding

Sometimes even routine bladder training isn't enough. If you're struggling with difficulties voiding your bladder entirely, you might want to consider double voiding. This is a process where you sit up straight on the toilet after you've finished going, wait several seconds, then try to force yourself to go again. This often is enough to clear your bladder and reduce the chances of additional leakage and accidents.

Contact a company like Vesy Lab for more information.
