Drug and alcohol testing is still common in many industries and for many reasons, and it is often frustrating to be told at the last minute to get a test. No one likes to get them, but some may decide to refuse. If one of your friends or family members is ordered to take a drug or alcohol test, and they refuse, don't assume it's because they're drinking or using drugs. There are a lot of reasons why someone might refuse to take a test that have nothing to do with actual substance use.
They May Use a Medicine/Eat a Food That Gives a False Positive
There are so many foods and drinks, not to mention medications and supplements, that create false positives on drug and alcohol tests. Poppy seeds really do make you test positive for opioids, certain antihistamines can make you test positive for hallucinogens, and other medications can make you test positive for everything from cocaine to speed. In that case, the person has a couple of options. One is to wait to take the test, which might be possible if it's not a sudden test-now order (like a surprise drug test at work). Another option is to ask the testing center what they do in this situation; some use specific screening tests like blood instead of urine to double-check results.
They May Have a Health Condition That Skews Test Results
Sometimes a health condition itself can skew a test result. Diabetes, for example, can sometimes affect breathalyzer tests. It's not common, but it does happen. If that's the case, then the person can speak with whoever ordered the test about whether they can get an exemption from the test. It may help to have a note from the doctor.
They May Feel Targeted After Frequent Orders to Take Tests
Taking drug and alcohol tests might be simple, but they can become frustrating for people who have been ordered repeatedly to take them. If the person has been taking drug tests and passing, and they finally refuse the new orders and say they've been tested enough, do look at how often they were ordered to have the test done compared to how often other people in their situation were ordered to take the test. You want to be sure this person hasn't been singled out when there isn't any cause to do so.
If it turns out the person isn't being tested that often compared to others, ask them what's really going on. They may just be tired of it all, or they may have had bad experiences with the testing company they used. Helping them find a different drug and alcohol testing site may be all they need to agree to take the test.