Faqs About Pregnancy And Your Visual Health

During pregnancy, your body can go through a lot of changes. Surprisingly, one of those changes is to your vision. If you are pregnant, here is what you need to know about your eye health and pregnancy. What Changes Can Occur? One of the most noticeable changes to your vision you can experience is blurry vision. During your pregnancy, your body retains more fluid. As a result, the shape and the thickness of your cornea can change.

Treating Your Trigeminal Neuralgia With Alternative Medicine

When you suffer from chronic and debilitating pain in your face, you may have a tough time figuring out treatment options that will work for you. Trigeminal neuralgia, the condition that causes severe facial pain and discomfort, can be tricky to deal with. The nerves and blood vessels that are involved are delicate, and surgery as well as other medical procedures have some serious risks associated with them and may end up being ineffective anyway.

No Longer Safe For Your Parents To Be Alone? 4 Ways Senior Home Care May Benefit Them

If your parents are having a hard time taking care of their own needs, it might be time to consider bringing in some outside help. Senior home care is an excellent way to transition from life alone to life in an assisted living facility, especially if your parent refuses to give up their independence yet. When considering home care of your parents, you'll need to assess their needs. Here are a few things that your parents may need help with.

Infant Eye Care: What You Can Do, And When To Get An Exam

For the first few months of life, your baby won't be able to see much beyond your face, nor will your baby be able to distinguish between many colors. This is normal in infant vision development. When they're very young, babies are still strengthening their eye muscles and still learning how to use their eyes properly. These tips will help you encourage good vision in your baby and will help you recognize signs of problems.

4 Eye Exercises To Try Today

Your eyes go through a lot during the course of a day. You might read your small smartphone screen more often than you should, or maybe you don't let them rest when you should. Just as exercise helps to tone your muscles and keep your body healthy, eye exercises can do the same for your eyes. Set aside a few minutes each day to try one or more of the following eye exercises, and see if they help your eyes to feel less tired and strained.