Natural Ways To Help Keep Your Allergies Under Control

If you suffer from allergies, then you already know how frustrating it can be to try and find the right medicine to help alleviate your allergy symptoms. Luckily, there are many ways you can help to keep your allergies under control. Follow the tips in this article to help prevent an allergy flare-up. Control the allergens in your home Allergens such as dust and pollen are one of the biggest causes of allergy flare-ups.

Could You Be Overtraining?

Runners are a dedicated group. For the most part, that dedication leads to personal bests and tackling tough new distances. However, sometimes runners can take their commitment too far, skipping rest days and fitting in extra workouts. After a while, that can lead to overtraining. What is overtraining? Overtraining refers to the decline in performance when an athlete trains too much. Although it sounds like a problem exclusive to elite runners, that's not necessarily the case.

Aesthetics: The Pursuit Of Physical Beauty And The Health Risks Involved

There is an ever-changing concept of beauty, or aesthetics, in the United States. It is influenced by fashion, by trends and by the media. Although it is perfectly normal to want to appear more attractive and attract mates, you should be vigilant and protect your health as well. From the simplest of procedures (like hair removal) to the more complex cosmetic procedures (liposuction), there are potential health risks. Knowing what these risks are should be just as important to you as improving your physical appearance.

Eye, Neck And Back Pain From Sitting At The Computer? You Could Have Computer Vision Syndrome

If sitting at a computer for too long is really starting to irritate your eyes and you are having headaches or pain in your neck and back, you could have computer vision syndrome. This is a condition that many people deal with because they spend too much time in front of a computer screen throughout the day, then look at their phone or television when they get home. Here are a few things you want to consider trying.

Aniridia: Learning More About The Disorder

Aniridia, an eye disorder that can affect one or both eyes, is a condition where all or part of the iris -- the colored part of the eye -- is missing. While not all children born with aniridia have poor vision, since the pupil of the eye is larger, sensitivity to light and glare are common. Other eye problems often develop when aniridia is present. That's why it's important to have your child's eyes regularly examined by an ophthalmologist.